Prayer and Liturgy

Christian Meditation

In Religious Education classes at Marist-Sion College, teachers allow regular opportunities for the practice of Christian Meditation.

This form of meditation, sometimes known as Contemplative Prayer, has a long history in the Christian tradition since the 3rd and 4th centuries, when the earliest Christian monks lived in the desert lands of the Middle East. These monks discovered and taught that silence is essential to the spiritual life.

Christian meditation does not replace other prayer but supports and enhances other forms of prayer. In Religious Education classes, and in other aspects of school life, students are also given opportunities to experience other forms of prayer, including traditional and contemporary prayer and the reading of scripture.


Minute of Gratitude

Each day the College pauses for one minute prior to lunch to reflect on the many areas in our life for which we should show gratitude.

This minute of silent reflection aims to encourage all members of our community to be still, to focus on giving thanks for the many gifts in our lives. Visitors to our College at this time are invited to participate in this Minute of Gratitude; a simple way for all of us to focus on our blessings and to be more conscious and reflective about our lives.

“If the only prayer you said in your whole life was ‘thank you,’ that would suffice.”

Meister Eckhart