Liturgical Events

College Masses

The College celebrates the Eucharist together with four College Masses each year:

  • Commencement Mass
  • Feast of St Marcellin Champagnat
  • Heritage Day
  • Valedictory Mass

Each of these masses is a true community celebration, with student participation invited and encouraged. Students are prepared for the masses in their Religious Education classes.

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday is commemorated in the College each year with a Liturgy of the Word.

This is a day for us to gather in our House communities to commence the Christian season of Lent, for students to consider their participation in the Lenten season and to receive the Ashes, which are provided by our local Parishes.

Holy Week / Easter Liturgy

The College commemorates the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ with a creative liturgy led by the students each year.

This may occur prior to the end of term or at the commencement of the following term, depending on the College calendar and the date of Easter Sunday.

House Masses

Each House has an annual celebration of the Eucharist together, usually with two Houses sharing the mass.

Year Level Liturgies

At various times in the school year, Year Levels will celebrate a liturgy together. This may be linked to the curriculum being studied at the time or to an event or season of the Church year.