Learning Support and Additional Needs

Support for diverse learners at Marist-Sion College comes in many forms. The Learning Adjustment Team specialises in understanding the divergent learning needs of all students. In line with our personalised learning philosophy, we are committed to understanding the learning needs of all students and supporting them to be successful learners and to reach their individual potential.

As a Teaching and Learning Team, we work towards all students achieving to their full potential in all areas of the curriculum. The College is committed to ensuring that each student has the support they need to experience success.

The Learning Adjustment Team objective is for all student participation on the same basis as students without disability. An adjustment is ‘reasonable’ if it takes into account the student’s learning needs and balances these with the interests of all parties. Some students require more or different support in order to work at a level appropriate to their abilities and needs. Levels of support are dynamic, often evidence based and ‘at the point of need’.

Opportunities provided by the Learning Adjustment Team include:

  • Advice and support to teachers in their delivery of inclusive learning programs across the College.
  • Contributions to curriculum development, with a focus on a differentiated programs.
  • Support students in gaining special provisions and additional assessment.
  • Strong partnerships with families to collaborate on reasonable adjustment strategies.
  • Literacy and numeracy support programs.
  • Some classes have in-class Learning Support Officers present.
  • Supervised after-school study help sessions.
  • A regular system of Program Support Group (PSG) collaboration.

Marist-Sion College strives to provide an excellent and holistic education, which responds to differing needs of our students.


Enrolment process for Students with Additional Educational Needs

If students have additional educational needs, whether they be physical, social, emotional, cognitive or sensory, their parents, guardians or carers are requested to inform the College in general terms only at the time of the enrolment application. The Learning Support Coordinator is often the first point of contact in such circumstances. Such information will be handled in a sensitive and confidential manner.

After receiving written consent from the family, the school will collect information to determine the student’s educational needs, with the assistance of the parents, guardians or carers. These might include needs in relation to communication, curriculum access, emergency procedures, health, personal care, physical access, or the requirement for access to specialist support. All of this information would be used to evaluate how the school can meet the student’s needs.

On acceptance of the enrolment of a student with significant needs, a Support Group will be established. This may consist of members including but not limited to the Principal, Learning Support Coordinator, Psychologist, Counsellor, Chaplain, Head of House, Tutor Group Teacher and the student’s parents, guardians or carers.