Vocational Programs

Vocational Learning pathways are designed to equip students with essential skills and prepare them for the workforce.

Through hands-on experience and specialised training, students can explore various career pathways, from trades and technology to healthcare and hospitality. The curriculum delivered blends theoretical knowledge with real-world applications, empowering students to excel in their chosen fields. Students elect to complete a Vocational Education and Training (VET) course as part of their learning program.

VET programs can contribute to completion of a VCE or VCE Vocational Major (VCE VM) program.

VET programs are designed to build industry-specific skills, experience and knowledge that can support students to gain employment and achieve success in a specific industry. They are delivered through a combination of theoretical and applied learning opportunities, and in some cases, work placement.

VET programs can lead to further study at TAFE institutions or University, as well as apprenticeship and employment opportunities. Many VET programs are recognised by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) and can contribute to the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and calculation of an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).

Marist-Sion College is a member of a VET cluster, allowing students to access over 20 different VET programs at a variety of external institutions and schools. These programs are usually taught on a Wednesday or Friday. Marist-Sion College also offers a Certificate III in Sport and Recreation onsite.

Potential pathways for students wanting to undertake a VET course include:

  • Year 10 Vocational Pathways Program
  • VCE VM